Sunggguh kabar ini cukup mengejutkan, mungkin anda semua tau apa itu alertpay? saya yakin bila anda adalah seorang pemburu dollar di dunia maya pasti sudah sangat akrab dengan alat pembayaran alertpay, buat yang belum tau langsung tanya mbah google aja yah :).
sebenarnya saya sendiri sih tidak terlalu terkejut karena memang sebelumnya sudah saya prediksi akan ada perubahan besar-besaran dari alertpay, hal ini tentunya didasari atas beberapa hal,diantaranya maslah paling fokus saat ini alertpay tidak dapat memproses semua transaksi melalui kartu kredit yang dikeluarkan bank apapun, dari negara manapun kartu kredit itu berasal. hal ini jelas sangat krirtis karena transaksi yang dilakukan oleh kartu kredit tersebutlah keuntungan terbesar yang bisa mereka dapatkan, ok cukup saja intronya, berikut ini kutipan langsung dari pihak Alertpay.
We are excited to announce that AlertPay is becoming Payza this month! The AlertPay you love is getting even better! With a new design, a new logo and a new name, Payza will also bring you:
Payza is born!
On May 14, 2012, the AlertPay platform will be transitioned automatically and seamlessly to Payza. What does that mean for you? Business as usual! You can access your money and use it the same way you always have. All of your information stays the same:
- New service offerings
- Smartphone- & mobile phone-friendly access
- More countries and additional currencies
- Global bank wire loads in more currencies
- Enhanced customer support
- A completely redesigned and easier-to-use website
- More e-wallet loading and withdrawing options
- And more!
- The same account (with your money in it)!
- The same personal, business and financial information!
- The same login and password!
Payza will also be bringing online payment processing to countries that have never had access to such services as receiving convenient and affordable international payments and localized banking transactions. Under the Payza brand, existing AlertPay customers will be able to send and receive money around the world, and will now have even more options to transact globally. Payza will be directly contributing to local economic growth in underdeveloped and emerging markets by facilitating cost-competitive transactions across borders.
We are very excited about Payza, the new design and the new services, and we believe you will be too! Stay tuned for more developments in the coming days!
Thank you for choosing AlertPay (soon to be Payza)!
Saya berharap sih memang akan banyak perubahan yang mempermudah kita, misalnya proses verifikasi yang mudah, penarikan uang ke bank lokal juga dipermudah dan dipercepat, atau harapan terbesar saya bisa menurunkan jumlah transfer minimum serendah mungkin seperti kedua pesaing mereka seperti Paypal dan LibertyReserve.
Ok Sob semoga bermanfaat yah infonya :D
Alertpay Will Be Changing Their Name To Payza.
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